New Life in Christ

New Life in Christ

New Life in Christ

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New Life in Christ
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Course description

Beginning Your New Life With Christ.

The Christian life, as God intended it to be lived, is not a mere standard of performance, a code of ethics or a life of ritual. It is a vital, personal relationship with the living God as He has revealed Himself to man through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Course content

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The Christian Life
Receiving Christ
Christ living in you
A New Relationship
Who is Jesus Christ?
The Resurrection
​What did you become when you received Christ?
Since other Christians are also God's children, what is your relationship to them?
​Is salvation the reward of man’s good work?
How is salvation obtained?
Have you received forgiveness for your sins?
How many of your sins were forgiven?
Will Christ ever leave you?
A New Life
​Where is eternal life found?
​If a person has Christ in his life, does it mean he also has eternal life?
The Assurance of Eternal Life
A New Adventure
​What can separate you from the love of Christ?
​Who can take you away from Christ?
Your Thoughts
Action Point
See you in the next course!

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